Visit & Stay
On this page, you can find:
How to visit/retreat/camp
email us! visit at
Hosting infrastructure
we got
Drug policy
The Rêve is a sober-centered community space. Please let us know in advance if you plan to take substances for ritual and/or recreation during your stay. You don’t need to ask permission, but knowing in advance helps us plan accordingly. You can share the information on the visitors' Signal thread or with residents upon arrival.
Casual use of tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis are norms on site. If you need particular care around those substances (for example, if you are in recovery, allergic to smoke, etc), please let us know here or via Signal.
Pet policy
Pets are welcome but it's important that they play well with others and that you get explicit approval from residents before bringing them. There is one dog that lives in the back house, and one cat that lives in the front house. Please let us know if you are allergic to them.
Harm & accountability policies and procedures [DRAFT]
At the Rêve, we believe that meaningful community requires a foundation of mutual trust and care, and that building up that trust requires time, effort, and deep and radical vulnerability. Any type of vulnerability means lowering our defenses and exposing ourselves to the potential of harm; the type of work we do necessarily involves accepting the risk that we will hurt and be hurt by each other, and committing to prioritizing and caring for each other even when we are in pain.
We encourage and work to manifest a culture of open communication around needs, desires, and boundaries; around yeses and nos; around triggers and mental health, and around harm and accountability. We use a wide variety of tools to prevent and deal with hurt and harm within and around our community, while recognizing our own capacity and seeking to be realistic about what problems we can and can’t resolve.
These practices are part of the practical manifestation of our values; we want to invest deeply in our communities and hope to subvert the paradigm of punishment and disposability and reduce reliance on the carceral state. We have all spent our lives marinating in a culture that teaches us that the only thing that will heal our pain is the punishment of the person who caused the pain, and that there’s no need or way to stay in community or connection when you’ve been hurt.
We are sharing these policies so that you know that your safety and healing is important to us; to give you a sense of what to expect from us when something goes wrong; to demonstrate and make real that what we are trying to do together is not only possible, but beautiful.
For that reason, the Rêve has the following policies and procedures for the reporting of, response to, and accountability around incidents and harm.
The Scope of this Policy:
We think of ourselves as moderators and facilitators of the culture of the spaces we curate, not enforcers or investigators. We don’t have the resources or desire to identify a singular Truth in a conflict; rather, we use the principles of transformative justice to address the contributing factors that led to whatever problems are at hand.
We use our procedures when an incident or conflict occurred at one of our events or on our property, or with one of our members, or when it impacts our invitation lists. Our policies are most effective when the individual making a complaint or seeking support is willing to participate in a process of some kind, but what that looks like in practice is up to you.
We promise to listen to you, believe you, and work to address your concerns within the scope of our policy and our capacity as individuals and as a group. We don’t have a one-size-fits-all practice for what healing looks like, and we are invested in being thoughtful and flexible, rather than reactive to present or past conflicts
The Rêve is a community resource that we are honored to make available to our people, and it’s also our home, and we are committed to protecting and nourishing what’s precious to us about both of those things.
If you have a complaint or request that you bring to us that falls outside the scope of this policy, we will do what we can to provide or connect you with resources to help you resolve your concern.
Our Commitments:
We are committed to listening to you and believing what you tell us. We have a broad understanding of what constitutes a reportable incident. We know that it is not possible to clearly define the boundaries of what experiences can be harmful or traumatizing, and so we trust you to know what you need. Whether you want to be part of a healing and accountability process or you don’t even want an email response to your complaint, your needs are our priority.
We are committed to your safety. If your safety and trust have been violated while under our care, we take responsibility and will do what we can to make it right. This means prioritizing your safety, your empowerment, and your agency in every part of the process and maintaining your confidentiality consistent with the needs you tell us.
We are committed to working through the complexity of these situations with you. We recognize that these incidents can happen in a large variety of ways, and that the intent of the person responsible and the impact on the person affected are not the same. In our response to incidents, we gather information about both, with our highest priority being the safety and healing of the person affected.
We are committed to prioritizing healing over punishment. We are working against the idea that "you’ve hurt someone" means the same thing as "you are a bad person." We work against disposability by giving people who have caused harm opportunities to grow and tools to set themselves apart from people who are unwilling to be accountable. While we have the power to exclude people from our space if they render it less physically, emotionally, or psychologically safe, we reject the idea that that exclusion is the only way, or is always the right way, of responding to harm.
We are committed to the long haul. There is no time limit for you to use these avenues of communication. You can get in touch days, weeks, or years after an incident if that’s when you realize you need to or decide you’re ready to. We will listen.
Our Practices
Our accountability practices are collaborative and generative; we invite our community to join us in an ongoing and iterative process of seeking healing and transformation. We receive complaints and requests for help through the webform at the bottom of this page, by email at, or by DM on any of our social media accounts. If you have a complaint you’d like to bring to our attention but don’t feel safe contacting us directly about it, our friend ______________ has agreed to be our accountability buddy, receive messages on our behalf, and work with you to secure your safety needs around communication.
We have several ways that individuals who seek support around a harmful incident can reach out to us, and we encourage you to use whichever one best suits your safety and comfort needs.
No information of any kind shared with us through these procedures will be passed along to any third party without the express, affirmative consent of the participant.
Because these situations are each unique, complex, and multifaceted, we cannot guarantee any one-size-fits-all solution. We have the capacity to take various meaningful steps, including facilitating conversations and justice or healing processes, bringing in outside help, referring a person to ongoing education or other resources, and placing conditions on participation in future Rêve and activities. We also know that sometimes, the contributing factors to harm include gaps or oversights in our own policies and practices, and may work with you to refine them. We also know that repair can take many forms, like self-work and education, investment of time and energy in a relevant cause, or subsidization of a person’s financial needs. We do have the ability to temporarily or permanently remove or restrict the membership of someone whose presence reduces the overall safety of our space, but exclusion is not our first or only tool. Rather, we are committed to the growth and learning of our community, and we recognize that growth and learning happen through mistakes, missteps, and accountability.
We know that every person who attends one of our events or spends time on this land with us is putting enormous trust in us. We are grateful for that trust, and we strive to be worthy of it.